
مؤسسة جيداء للشحن البري لمصر

Greta Thunberg in Bristol: thousands turnShares

مؤسسة جيداء للشحن البري لمصر بتاريخ عدد التعليقات : 0

Tens of thousands of people, many of them children skipping school, braved heavy rain to join a climate strike headed by Greta Thunberg in Bristol city centre.
The vast crowd fell silent as the 17-year-old activist told them governments were acting like children and so it fell to young people to be “the adults in the room”.
Police said there were more than 15,000 people at the Bristol Youth Strike 4 Climate event, while Thunberg estimated the figure as at least 30,000.
As Thunberg spoke, onlookers clambered on to bus shelters and up trees and hung out of windows to catch a glimpse.
Criticising governments and the media, she said: “Once again they sweep their mess under the rug for us – young people, their children – to clean up for them. We must continue and we have to be patient. Remember that the changes required will not happen overnight.”
Thunberg arrived in Bristol by train and was driven to the climate strike in a red Nissan Leaf electric car.
Wearing a yellow raincoat and woolly hat – a look copied by some of her devotees – she took to the stage to chants of “Greta, Greta” from schoolchildren and teenagers.
She told them: “We will not be silenced because we are the change, and change is coming whether you like it or not. This emergency is being completely ignored by the politicians, the media and those in power.
“Basically, nothing is being done to halt this crisis despite all the beautiful words and promises from our elected officials. So what did you do during this crucial time? I will not be silenced when the world is on fire.”
Thunberg flagged up the recent decision by north Somerset council to oppose Bristol airport expansion as an example of what could be achieved if activists worked together.
The Swedish teenager went on to join protesters on a march through the city centre accompanied by a samba band. She waved at well-wishers and at one point consoled a child who was clearly overwhelmed by the experience.
Avon and Somerset police had warned of the potential for protesters to be hurt and urged parents not to allow children to go unaccompanied.
Bristol Cathedral, which sits on College Green, was ready to open its doors to anyone needing refuge but the organisers insisted they had put enough measures in place to make sure nobody was hurt.

Greta Thunberg in Bristol: thousands turnShares
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